Monday, August 1, 2011

Spain/Ireland Pic Teaser

Here is one from Ireland and one from Spain..


So after four weekends away from home in Ireland, Spain, and a wedding in State College..was craving healthy food. Something fresh and summery. Found this salad on Joy the Baker (one of my fave food blogs.) It was better than it looks. Give it a try. And, if you can think of a way to use the leftover bundle of dill, cilantro and parsley that I used for the dressing..let me know. I always end up wasting the rest of the herbs!

Some pictures from Ireland and Spain to come soon.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Awesome PR Video Clip

Here is how far people will go for PR....

Entry Into Blogs

It has been quite the two days of social media and new media in PR for me. So far, I've

  • Started a twitter account
  • Started a blog
  • Learned all I ever wanted to know about Google trends
  • And...learned the fine art of keyword discovery.

I'm very excited!